“ ‘The Entrusted’ testing The ‘Helpless Trusting’ is a ‘Russian-Roulette’ where the ultimate losers are, ‘The Entrusted’ & never the ‘Helpless Trusting’; history of every conflict is witness to this truth – people recoup from their miseries not the leaders that led them into disaster for additional power gains or fame.” Col Dilip Sharma (Retired)

     New paradigm changes are taking place in the present day internal & external conflicts. Some of the ‘developing developments’ are listed below:

     Drone swarms introduced into the Russo-Ukrainian tactical battlefield in the air, sea, robots on land & bots in cyber spaces are being neutralised by counter millisecond sensing laser beams & auto sensing bots introduced to counter these by US on its assets in the air, land & nuclear aircraft carriers too, but all at sea until real battles studies of these are published.

     Hyper speed (now Mach 10) missiles tested & deployed by China, Russia & Iran, are trying to be countered by US considering nuclear powered ‘Higher Intensity Few Feet Thick Laser Fleet Umbrellas’ over aircraft carriers & vital land installations, increasing size on the flip side.

      Depleted Uranium conventional Armoured & Artillery shells & bombs have found currency again after the US-Iraq war, but now against equally enabled adversaries, not a WW-II Bedouin Groups masquerading as a modern Army.

       Artificial Intelligence operated pilot-less aircraft & similar anti-aircraft weaponry & missiles are the latest discoveries in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian battles, as Ukrainian’s own & Black-Ops Multinational filmy ‘Rambo-Mercenaries’ reach redundancy faster than the developing technology & depleting economies.

        Narcotics, Counterfeit- Currency, Food, Water, Oil & Gas & every important resource with much needed succor like Regionalism, Religion, Charity, Communication Languages, agriculture, Stock-Markets & Commercial Markets as well as ‘Leaders’ Egos’ have been weaponised to soften targets from within and prepare them into capitulation through dissent & insurgencies, without an open external aggression & war.

“The most dynamic theatre of defence is the intelligence that can herald & deploy change faster than the capabilities of adversaries as well as employ intellect to gain economic sustainability without developing newer ‘white elephants’ that will surely be buried in the quick- sands of times as fast as they seem to be emerging & eating into progress & peace.” Col Dilip Kumar Sharma (Retired)

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